Winter Camp 2021
Winter Camp registration is now open for the weeks of December 20-24 and December 27-31! Both Beginner & Intermediate and High Performance camps will be running this year.
Please see below for details.
Beginner & Intermediate Camp
December 20-24 & December 27-31
Ages 5-17
Level: Recreational Non-Provincial Players
Register online or at front desk
Prices do not include tax
High Performance Camp
December 20-24 & December 27-31
Level: Provincial & National players
Register online or at front desk
Prices do not include tax
Discounts - maximum of 30% combined
Sign up for both weeks (10 days) = 20% off
Early bird (register before December 15, 2021) = 10% off
Siblings discount = 5% off (for each child)
Member discount = 10% off
What to Bring
Lunch, snacks, water
Racquets, non-marking court shoes
Spots are limited and are at a first-come first-serve basis
Early drop-off available at 8:30am for free
Late pick-up available up to 4pm for free
Later pick-up between 4-6pm is available for $15/day
Shuttlecocks are provided
Water and other badminton wear can be purchased at the pro-shop
COVID-19 Protocols
Students aged 12+ must be fully vaccinated
2 meters physical distancing at all times
Masks are required to enter the facility and must be worn when physical distancing is not possible
Daily health and temperature check upon entry
Students must wash their hands upon entering the building, as well as before and after lunch
Common areas and surfaces will be frequently sanitized
Payment Policy
All sales are final, with no credit or refund
One make-up class may be offered if camp continues the following week
$10 administration fee for each schedule change
Cancellation Policy
OBA has the right to cancel the Winter Camp on the occasion that registrations are low OR if the government instructs us to close our facilities due to COVID-19 related restrictions
Parents will be notified through email or phone if Winter Camp is cancelled with full refund
Front Desk Contact
Monday to Friday: 4 pm to 7:30 pm
(905) 604-7898